Steven Bailie

a cool guy.

Hey there!

I'm a Northern Irish technology consultant (i.e. half-developer & half-powerpoint-builder), with a main professional focus on back-end enterprise system integration. Also I play games, do recreational coding & puzzles, and other stuff..

Professional Skills.

Systems Integration

Since 2017, I have been working as a Technology Consultant within the Deloitte NI's Systems Design & Engineering team. My main (but not exclusive) focus has been as an API developer on client projects; developing and implementing Mulesoft Integration platforms, by building microservice applications using an API-led connectivity approach.

IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things)

Also, I have worked closely with the Deloitte IIoT team, getting hands-on experience creating physical demonstrators to highlight the benefits of using IoT in industrial settings. (e.g. Think attaching sensors to a factory's conveyor belt motors, and using analytics to predict and prevent failures before they occur..)

Web Devlopment

As part of my own personal learning and development, I have been completing an introductory Udemy course in web development: The Complete 2020 Web Development Bootcamp. (Actually, if you're reading this, that's the only reason this website exists, as practice to see if I could make a "half-decent" looking website...)


Previously, I graduated from the University of York with a BSc in Mathematics, where I specialised in pure mathematics, with favourites of group theory and cryptography. As such, I'm always partial to some recreational mathematics to scratch that itch:

  • Think Maths' 2020 MPMP.
  • The fantastic yearly 'Advent of Code'!
  • GCHQ's old Christmas Puzzles. (But I don't think they've done them recently :( )


Film Club

During the COVID-19 lockdown, I have begun hosting a remote Film Club via Zoom. (Summary & Random Film Chooser).

Book Club

Similarly, at the same time, we also started a Book Club. (Summary & Random Book Chooser).


I do like traveling (who doesn't), but to be honest, I just like this little icon and wanted to use it..

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